K Clique

Today I got to found out about K Clique from Fiqrie, my coursemate.

K Clique is a Malaysian band that depicts the reality of life that tries to question the norm of conservative beliefs.

K Clique is a Hip Hop band that is coming up fast to the platform of Music industries in Malaysia.

They were populated in Sabah, but I still have yet to find out where they are from haha.

It may seem like they potray the culture of vaping and stoning and showing rock sign hands in their MV but the whole meaning show me that there are people who have different opinions and views regarding a certain issue.

Controversial of them to choose temples and Thailand as their shooting scene in Beg 2 Back , however it also shows that their openness to go to places different from their beliefs, to experience the culture and serenity of Buddhism in their lives.

Understanding comes from experience and I learned that they are courageous, slowly diminishing all the thoughts about them of where they are from and to see now where they are at.

I initially have assumptions like are they Muslims? Why are they shooting Buddha behind? What message are they trying to imply? These questions brings me back to how God sees me,

What am I doing? why am I going to USM? what's the purpose I am doing in researching about homosexuals?

K Clique allowed me to think differently of what I am doing and for why I am doing what I am doing.


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